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IWA Relief Principles

IWA Relief Principles

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  1. IWA Relief upholds ‘People’ at the heart of everything we do. We support individuals to promote and manage their own health and social lives. Our services reflect, and are coordinated around and tailored to the needs and preferences of a community. Communities will be involved in and participate in all decisions about their care and support. IWA Relief will actively encourage feedback from the public, users and staff so as to use to improve its services.
  2. We work across organisational boundaries and in partnership with other organisations in the interest of users, local communities and the wider population. IWA Relief is an integrated system of organisations and services bound together by the principles and values reflected in the Constitution. IWA Relief is committed to working jointly with other local authority services, other public sector organisations and a wide range of private and voluntary sector organisations to provide and deliver improvements in health and well-being and all other human areas of need.
  3. IWA Relief is committed to providing best value for taxpayers’ money and the most effective, fair and sustainable use of finite resources. Public funds for healthcare will be devoted solely to the benefit of the people that IWA Relief seeks to serve.
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