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International Welfare Alliance (IWARelief) is a non-governmental registered Christian Charity in England and Wales. We are an international organisation that works with churches and local communities within the UK and 37 other African Countries.
To improve equity in health, reduce health risks, promote healthy lifestyles and settings, and respond to the underlying determinants of health.
To develop and implement multi-sectoral public policies for health, integrated gender- and age-sensitive approaches that facilitate community empowerment together with action for health promotion, self-care and health protection throughout the life course in cooperation with the relevant national and international partners.
IWA Relief upholds ‘People’ at the heart of everything we do. We support individuals to promote and manage their own health and social lives. Our services reflect, and are coordinated around and tailored to the needs and preferences of a community. Communities will be involved in and participate in all decisions about their care and support. IWA Relief will actively encourage feedback from the public, users and staff so as to use to improve its services.
IWA is accountable to the public, communities and Users that it serves. IWA has a framework with well-defined structures through which it is accountable for its operations. It has the responsibility and accountability for taking decisions in a transparent manner, and is committed to presenting clear reports to its stakeholders, public and it users. This would be demonstrated by clear and up-to-date statement accountability for this purpose .
The world’s poor come into contact with markets and companies as producers, entrepreneurs, neighbours or consumers on a daily basis. IWARelief partner with private sector companies to create opportunities for poor and marginalised people to have better access to goods, services and livelihoods –and on fair terms.
We work to increase access to justice, and reduce poverty and homelessness for refugees. We do this through direct services and as well as support for other organisations.