Identifying relief needs in of displaced communities in Cameroon

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Identifying Relief Needs.

Difficult to access to communities in the English Regions of Cameroon.

Relief Projects in the English Speaking Regions of Cameroon - North West and South West Region.

1) IWA Relief partners in Cameroon are involved in the identification of needy persons and communities in order to give them assistance. The most challenging situations encountered in the North West and South West Regions are:

 i)Difficult terrain and bad or no motor-able roads to forest areas that serve as make shift camps

 ii) Dangers of injury or loss of live due to ongoing fighting between the government and freedom fighters

iii) heavy rains, hindering movement and other identification activities

Considering the high rate of insecurity involved, IWA Relief Cameroon has moved activities accross the Cameroon frontier into to neighbouring Nigeria where these lots displaced populations have now found refuge.

Primary objectives of IWA at the moment are to:

 i) Identify Cameroon Refugees and Camps;

 ii) Assess the primary needs of the displaced population;

 iii) Assess the secondary needs of the displaced population;

 iv) Provide available relief and support to these refugees;



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