Have you got a passion for public speaking and want to help IWARelief? Our passionate volunteer speakers bring IWARelief’s work to life, helping us to get people across the UK talking about our vital poverty-fighting work. You will support us by acting as an advocate for IWARelief within your community and engaging the public about the work that we do. Your support will help us in raising awareness, inspiring action and raising funds for IWARelief’s vital work. If you want to find out more about becoming a volunteer speaker you can phone us on 07786682926 Or Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Fundraising
Want to do even more? Why not make IWARelief your Charity of the Year? It’s a fantastic way to motivate staff while raising funds for IWARelief’s poverty – fighting work around the World.