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IWA Relief Youth Forum - promoting social activities in Bafut

IWA Relief Youth Forum - promoting social activities in Bafut

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The “Mforya UNITY TOURNAMENT” is a football tournament organized during the entire Summer Holidays in the Mforya community in Bafut. This tournament unites youths in different Quarters and rounds up holiday activities with a grand final and prize awards .

IWA Relief Cameroon in an attempt to better orientate, preserve and constructively occupy youth (and thereby reduce delinquency rates in some remote communities) organize some activities during the Summer Holidays. We organize tournaments and other events in domains such as:

i) Excellence in Education and Career orientation;

ii) Environmental Protection: Planting of Community Friendly TREES exercises under the slogan “OUR ENVIRONMENT – A WAR WE MUST WIN”;

iii) Community clean up campaigns especially around public Arenas such as Markets, Churches, community halls, other public places and Homes of the disables;   

 These activities are usually organized as complementary activities under a major event like the Mforya UNITY TOURNAMENT.


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